Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Still Growing

So, its about two weeks later and my greens have really taken off. I've got lots of mesclun and arugula, but found out that its way to hot right now for the spinach to grow the way it should. It actually bolted and started producing flowers. Alas, I will have to replace the container with something else.

I also recently received a beautiful orchid in a planter as a gift, and as many of you well know, orchids are really hard to care for. Thanks, Aaron. They're very temperamental so I spent a lot of time reading about how to care for it. It has to be fed on twice a month, watered once a week, and misted every other day. My concern is going out of town! Who is going to care for her like I do? Anyway, I have not yet killed it. And I am proud.

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